Sunday, April 6, 2014

Four Months

4 month stats: Weight: 12lbs 13oz, 25th percentile Height 23.8 inches--almost 2 feet! Also 25th%
And this time her head circumference only came in at the 56th percentile, down from 86th, last month so she's growing into her noggin!

Ella girl is 4 months old! Actually I'm a little late on this post, she'll be 5 months in just 10 days! BUT this post is about the month when she was 3 months old, up until she turned 4 months. And to be honest it was not a good month.

It all started with vaccinations at 3 months old which made her a fussy, no sleeping baby, the next week she got her first cold, it was so sad! The cold continued in the trend of a fussy, no sleeping baby, and she out grew her bassinet that she slept in. So since she was sleeping terribly anyway, we decided to go ahead and transition her to her crib--yikes! It's been about 4 weeks now since we did that and it's still a struggle.

Anyway basically all month she was fussy and slept terrible. We're talking we were up with her anywhere from 7-10 times a night, EVERY night for about 4 weeks. And since she didn't sleep well at night she was always tired and fussy and red-eyed during the day and she was fighting naps like crazy, ahhh! Kyle actually had a week of spring break during this time and he got so frustrated with constantly fighting with her to sleep, that I think he was pretty glad to get back to school and away from being around her so much:(

Thankfully, things are quite a bit better now, but they didn't get better until after she turned 4 months, so that'll be in the 5 months post. BUT despite all the struggles and fussiness we still love our little girl. And we think she's the cutest baby around:)

We also had to take her to a cardiologist at the beginning of this month. Ella was born with a heart murmur, but that's pretty common in babies so the Doctors weren't worried about it at first. But when she still had a heart murmur at 3 months they wanted her to see a cardiologist.

This is Ella in her little patient gown at the cardiologist. They found that she has two different holes in her heart. An ASD and a VSD. For right now they're just gonna keep monitoring them, and hopefully they won't cause any issues, but if they do start to cause problems in the future then she may need to be put on medication or have surgery.

Also, during this past month my grandaparents were able to come down the Galveston for an afternoon and meet Ella! We have 4 generations in this picture! Ella loved meeting her great-grandmother:) And now for some more picture of my beautiful daughter!
This was the very first 3-6 month outfit I put on her!
Ella has really gotten into sucking her hands this past month, and she now puts everything into her mouth!

She rocks the Leopard and Llama look!

Playing with her Elephant:)
Kyle's PA class actually gave us this stuffed elephant as part of a baby gift, and she loves it!

Ella and Grandma Jenson in their matching spots!

Always so happy after bath time
Our little family:)

My little brother Nik, came home from his mission a few weeks ago so went up to my parent's house for his homecoming talk and my older brother and his wife flew in for it too! We had a blast hanging out with everyone!