Saturday, November 29, 2014

Twelve Months

We have made it to month 12!! I can't believe this is the end of the monthly sticker photo shoots. I know I said this the last couple months too, but she is just SO fun now! Ella learns and understands new things every day!

She is so sweet and curious and smart and adorable and if she would just sleep through the night already, life would really be grand!

At 12 Months Ella:
-says mama, dada, hi, yah, Abbie (one of our friend's names--it was kinda random but she kept saying it over and over and on demand, she must just really like her--and I don't blame her Abbie's pretty great!), dance, peek-a-boo (it comes out peekahb :)) and talks and babbles all the time.
-is getting closer and closer to walking. She walks around with help and furniture and will stand on her own for a few seconds.
-understands a lot! If anybody mentions that her bow looks cute, she'll put her hand up to her head and grab her bow, or if someone asks her where's mama? she look around for me. Or if we say do you want to go through the tunnel, or the tent, etc she crawl to the object.
- loves going outside, will crawl to the door and bang on the door and pull herself up and try to turn the handle. If I ever let her crawl outside, she'll seriously squeal with joy!
-same with stairs. loves crawling up stairs, but doesn't know how to get down, if I let her climb stairs, she let out squeals of joy and laugh as she goes up!
- loves walker toys, will always push them with a huge smile on her face,
- loves any sort of cup/bottle/sippy. If she ever sees one she makes a beeline for it and will try to drink from it and will hold on to it for a looong time.
- loves watching older kids.
- still loves new people and strangers, and will usually smile and look at them, but has a couple random freak-outs just in the last couple weeks, where the wrong person has smiled at her or something and she has just lost it.
- hates the car. Pretty much screams the entire drive. We've tried lots of different things and nothing really seems to help, i hate driving with Ella, and I pretty much try to do all errands without her mainly so I don't have to listen to her screaming the entire car ride.
- also hates diaper changes. and usually screams and cries and squirms every time we change her diaper--UNLESS there is a second person there to entertain her and distract her--she is so high maintenance!
- needs/demands lots of attention. When we're at home she always wants to be with me, involved with me, wants me playing with her...if I go anywhere she follows, if I do anything she will stand against my legs and tug on me and scream until i pick her up/involve her. Sometimes, I can't pick her up or I need to get something done, and she does not give up. She'll keep holding on and screaming for 5 mins, 10 mins, 15 mins....kinda like at night when she's hungry.
- speaking of night, she still wakes up every single night. usually twice, if we're really lucky only once. But she eats a full bottle every time, and we've tried a few different things (i would try something for 3-4 weeks at a time) to wean her off of it and none of them have worked and usually end in lots of screaming, sleepless nights, and frustration. And I think I've reached the point where I've just given up on trying to "sleep train". One day she'll be old enough to understand the concept we don't eat at night--we sleep. and until then she'll be an only child:)
-has randomly become an extremely picky eater, 3 weeks ago she would eat anything, and then 2 weeks ago it was like a switch just flipped and she will not try anything new and will only eat a few favorite foods--so frustrating!
- gives high-fives! so cute!!
-waves, claps, plays peek-a-boo, dances, if i sing "shake, shake, shake!" she shake whatever she's holding.
- for the most part this little girl is just so fun and I love being her mom and seeing what new thing she'll do next!

I love these pictures of her!
I took these in my parents backyard.

playing the piano

Little chevron bum:)

loves her books!

At the Park

This is the SafeTSleep strap that we use, so she can't sit up and crawl around,
it's just the velcro straps around her middle.
She's still able to move and turn.

At the UTMB Halloween carnival!

First Halloween! And my 27th Birthday!

We had a great Halloween. My parents came down for the day and brought me lunch and birthday cupcakes! We played with Ella and went to Halloween carnival and got a yummy dinner and ate my cupcakes and then they babysat while me and Kyle went to a murder mystery party!

Ella did the cake walk on Kyle's shoulders at the carnival and when they pulled out the first winning number it was her! We all got excited and clapped for her which made her get super excited and clap--so adorable!!

Matching flannel

Haha i had to include this picture because her annoyed face just cracks me up.
Leave me alone Mom, I just wanna read my books!

Seriously, this girl loves her books! She'll often crawl over to them and "read" them on her own. Flip through pages, point to the pictures, babble and smile:) And she loves being read to!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Birthday Ella!

Our sweet little girl is one year old!! Ella had her birthday just over a week ago and I still can't believe she's really a whole year old now. Also, me and Kyle made it through the first year!!!! We survived!!! Wahoooo!!

We had a great time celebrating Ella's birthday. To start the weekend off we headed to my parent's house for a couple days. There we had a special dinner, gave Ella a piece of cake and and opened her present from my parents. She LOVED the present they gave her--a ride on/push elephant scooter.

Then, we headed back home and on Sunday her actual birthday we had a few close friends over for dinner and then a few more over for cupcakes. We sang Ella Happy Birthday and gave her her first cupcake! She had no interest in the actual cupcake but seemed to somewhat like the strawberry frosting.

My parents also gave Ella her first real pair of shoes, they let me pick them out, and I couldn't resist getting her a pair of freshly picked moccasins! She looks so cute in them!:)

Kyle's parents sent Ella a fun toy also, and Ella loves playing with it. They also sent her a cute card and I was surprised by how much Ella loved it! I read it to her when we first received it and she got a big smile on her face and kinda giggled and then she would look at it and point and hand it to me to read to her again it was so adorable!

Overall we had a great time celebrating with our little one-year old!!

Ella's Birthday Cupcake!

Her Birthday Card from Grandma and Grandpa Poulsen

Her Hippo toy from Grandma and Grandpa Poulsen

Also, the adorable hoodie was a birthday present from our good friend Trisha

Her New Shoes!

Her Birthday Hat!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Eleven Months

This age is the BEST!! Gosh, I just love her so much now. This past month has been really great. Ella has been healthy and happy and things are just going so well. She is so incredibly fun, and i love watching her see and experience new things--the look on her face is priceless. Ella is curious and very interested in the world around her, always wants to see whats going on, who's that new person, what are they up to, whats that noise, etc.

Yep things are wonderful right now. Life is good:) I love this sweet little girl and I love being her mom! 

At 11 Months Ella:
- waves! It's adorable, sometimes she'll even mimic me and say hi!
- pulls herself up to standing all over the place, and can take a couple of steps holding onto furniture
-will say yay while clapping, and if i just say yay, she'll start clapping--she knows they go together!
- LOVES eggs. Seriously loves them. I made 4 scrambled eggs for breakfast the other day and maybe ate one eggs worth of them and she ate the rest along with banana and some puffs. She's getting a little better about eating solid food, although she still normally doesn't eat a ton.(Unless I give her eggs/strawberries, which now that I think about is kinda funny, because my very first pregnancy craving was for a quiche:))
- Still not a very independent player, likes to be where I am, and usually wants to be in the middle of whatever I'm doing. And will always follow me from room to room around the apartment.
- Still wakes up 1-2 times a night
- Will hold something over her face and wait for me to say where's Ella? and then pull it down and I'll say there she is and then she'll laugh and put it over her face again
- still loves to be read to and will sometimes "read" her books on her own, will flip the pages, look at the pictures and babble
- has gotten very good at opening and closing doors, and cupboards
- Is just the cutest, sweetest, funnest 11 month-old around:)

The weather here in Galveston is finally starting to cool down and has been so nice lately,
 perfect for crawling around at the beach!

Ella and Grandpa Jenson
My dad was able to visit for a couple days during general conference, Ella loved having her favorite playmate down for a visit!

Grandpa and Grandma Poulsen sent Ella this cute book for her first Halloween!

I was trying to take 11 month pictures of Ella with my camera but she was way too interested in my camera and wouldn't stop trying to crawl after it and grab it, so I finally just handed it to her and took pictures of her with my iphone while she played with my camera:/

We went to a fun halloween/caramel apple party last weekend.
Me and Kyle dressed up as tourists, complete with sunscreen on our noses

She loves Cosmo, her Halloween bucket and her pumpkin book!

Standing girl!!

So sweet:)