Tuesday, May 28, 2013

date night

Last week we did a date night at Genghis Grill with Alisa and her hubby Kevin, and Morgan and her husband Wesley. We've loved hanging out with these 2 couples, and will really miss them when we move away from Katy next month! All these pics were taken with my iphone so they're a little blurry.

Morgan and Wesley

Me and Kyle

Alisa and Kevin and their basketball-sized baby:)

Me and Alisa, I'm 16 weeks in this pic and Alisa is 35,
 you can definitely tell she's further along than me!

Filling up our bowls

Alisa had never been and didn't realize how many options there were,
she ended up piling her's up sooo high, haha!

happy birthday to my hubby

Kyle turned 25 last week! To celebrate we went out to dinner with my folks and per his request I made a home made carrot cake. His big present this year was a bike! He'll be using it to get to and from school every day starting in about a month. We also usually do some clothes shopping around his birthday but Kyle really hates shopping and hates going to the mall. So I went to the mall by myself and picked out a bunch of new clothes for him, wrapped them all up and then he opened them on his birthday tried them all on, kept the ones he liked and I returned the rest. He didn't have to step a foot inside a store, he called it the best birthday present ever, haha!

The birthday boy and his new bike!

I love this man more and more every year!

Blowing out the candles on his yummy carrot cake
right before heading off to work:(

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Baby, Baby, Baby!

Kyle and I our thrilled to announce that we're expecting a baby! I am currently 14 and half weeks pregnant, and Baby Poulsen should arrive sometime around Nov 6th. We got off to a bit of a rocky start, and so far this pregnancy has been a roller coaster of emotions and symptoms. However, right now everything is looking good and we are so grateful for this blessing in our lives and the opportunity to become parents!

my 12 week baby-bump

the excited dad-to-be!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

winter 2013

We haven't been up to a whole lot this past winter, we went out to eat a bunch of times with my parents, worked, played tennis and took a trip to Utah! We were able to see lots of friends, go snowboarding, hit up our favorite places to eat, and I went to a dental convention. However, change is headed our way, we have some exciting things coming up so expect our blog to get a little busier in the coming weeks and months!

I loved spending time with Chelsea in Utah! This is where I stayed for most of my trip--at her cute little house. This picture was taken on my LAST day in Utah, because that's when I finally remembered to take out my camera. We got together with so many of our friends during our trip, but I was always so busy enjoying our friends and our time with them that I forgot to take any pictures! Urghh. 

Snowboarding! We loved being in the mountains again, it was pretty chilly but we had a great day! All of these pictures were taken with my iphone.

One of the many dinners with my parents, of course somehow I only got a picture of my dad.

Ok this is actually back in Provo, at one of my favorite restaurants there: Communal.
This was my quick $10 lunch, its all local, organic, fresh and DELICIOUS you just can't find food like this anywhere else. I have been craving and dreaming about their food ever since I've been home.
We also hit up some old favorites: pizzeria 712, bombay house, gloria's little italy and tried brugges waffles and frites in salt lake, wow that waffle was good!
Yes, you can find cool, unique, local food in Houston if you're willing to drive an hour+ into downtown, spend another 20 mins trying to find parking and then spend $$$ on it. The few times me and Kyle have made the trek we've both come away feeling it wasn't worth it. So for now I will just have to hope that a really good reason to visit Utah again comes up:)